If life stays on one planet, then one day that planet will be uninhabitable and that will be the end of all life in the universe.We should get out more.Wunderdog is a collection of talks with people who have ideas about how to do this.
Siste episoder
- 29.07.2024
- Noland Arbaugh, world's first Neuralink human: a pinky in the brain
- 14.07.2024
- Astrobiologist Maya D. Yanez: Could acetylene fermentation be an energy source for microbes on Titan?
- 06.07.2024
- Vinay Gupta: We must not let the climate refugee situation turn into a global Gaza
- 27.05.2024
- Kevin Fischer, founder and CEO of OpenSouls: Giving AI souls
- 26.03.2024
- Neil DeGrasse Tyson: "If noone in society is thinking that way, however realistic or unrealistic it is, then ... we're not going anywhere ever."